Janice E. Austin (Toussaint)
1935 - 2023
Janice E. Austin (Toussaint)
Service Information
Service Date
Friday August 2, 2024
Service Time
Service Location
St. Luke's Church, Placentia
Burial Information
Burial Location
Mount Carmel Cemetery, Placentia
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Janice Elizabeth Austin (known to many as Mrs. Toussaint) was born on March 1, 1935 in Caribou, Maine and died on March 21, 2023 in Ft Myers, Florida.

She was best known for her enormous love for children, her own six children (Colleen, Paula, Karen, Lynne, Scott and Beth) and her many students. As many know, she suffered the unthinkably tragic loss of her teenage daughter, Paula in 1974.

Janice wanted nothing more in life than to be a good wife, mother and teacher and, for that, we are most grateful because there was truly none better. She began her teaching career in Maine before the family moved to Newfoundland in 1963. She first taught kindergarten at Argentia, US Navy base, but her favorite teaching years were spent at St Anne’s Academy in Dunville, Newfoundland. To this day, her gift as a teacher is indelibly etched in her students’ hearts and minds. She taught with a rare imagination and unconditional love. She put her whole heart into everything that she did. There is a generation who is better today for what Mrs. Toussaint brought to their lives and she will be remembered as a powerful influence.

Upon leaving Newfoundland in 1978, Janice married the late David Butler and taught French/3rd grade in Moncton, New Brunswick. After David’s passing, she reunited with her childhood sweetheart, Phil Austin. They married in 1987 and enjoyed retired life in Florida until his death. Since 2017, she lived in a lovely assisted living facility with frequent visits from family, friends and former students. 

She leaves behind ten grandchildren (Paula, Kathryn, Jake, Christina, Justin, Brytney, Cortney, Ryan, Brennyn and Samantha) and five great-grandchildren (Hunter, Ashton, Avery, Kohen and Emma) who are her greatest legacies and promises for tomorrow.

Her funeral will be held at the old St. Luke’s Anglican Church in Placentia on August 2, 2024 at 11:15am. A gravesite burial and reception will follow. Everyone is welcome.

Janice E. Austin (Toussaint)